

Join us as we unravel the secrets behind various net types, explore the techniques used, and delve into sustainable practices for a healthier marine ecosystem.

Types of Fishing Nets

Discover the diverse range of fishing nets employed worldwide. From gillnets and seine nets to trawls and cast nets, each type has its unique characteristics and purposes.

Techniques in Fishing

Dive into the world of net throwing, seine dragging, and trawling methods. Gain insights into the skills required to master these techniques and witness the artistry involved in net fishing.

Innovations in Net Design

Discover how modern materials, such as high-density polyethylene, have improved net strength and durability. Explore innovative designs that reduce bycatch and minimise environmental impact.

Sustainable Fishing Practices

Dive into topics like responsible fishing quotas, seasonal restrictions, and the importance of ecosystem-based management.

Fishing Nets and Environmental Impact

Uncover the potential negative effects of fishing nets on the environment. Explore the issues of ghost fishing, where abandoned nets continue to trap marine life.

The Artistry of Fishing Nets

Discover the artistic elements woven into the nets, reflecting the unique traditions and heritage of fishing communities worldwide.

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